1. An idea takes shape

A long time ago, a very good friend of mine, Roy Winkler, foolishly suggested we do the classic Monte Carlo rally. We were young and up for that sort of thing and so, having found an old MG Magnette on a mountain top in Wales, we fettled it,  threw a rod, fettled it again and finished the Rally.   Somewhat later in our lives,  he rang me and said did I want to help build a 2CV based Pembleton.  I was old and up for that sort of thing and so I said “yes”, and after Team Winkler was created, a very special car was born.  My experiences with Roy led me to think that another 2CV based “special” might be fun, and after a trip to Holland to the factory, I ordered a Burton sports car kit; with Roys help, Team Noble has been created.   We intend to transform an old Citroen Dyane into a Burton sports car, and this blog will hopefully depict the transformation from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

Finding a donor car was the start.  With 2CV “barn finds” going for over £1,500 I decided to go for a Dyane, the less attractive but equally suitable donor.  An advert on the web, and a round trip from Surrey to Northamptonshire to pick up the car, on to Stafford to the excellent ECAS 2CV Parts Ltd works to pick up a new chassis and then back to Surrey now gives us a donor car sitting in the garage gradually being undressed.

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3 thoughts on “1. An idea takes shape

  1. A star is born!
    Good luck with it Keith and I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun sticking it all together :-).
    Presumably whenever anyone calls and you’re out playing with your new toy they’ll be told you’ve gone for a Burton.
    Enjoy and looking forward to coming out to play.
    PS Whatever happened to the JC article about your Noble/Winkler exploits on the Monte Carlo thingy?

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